What is GAF Roofing?

Oct 03, 2022
GAF Roofing

Your roof functions as a protective barrier between your home and anything Mother Nature may have in store. As such, having a strong roof in place is critical. Considering this, take a moment to look at your roof. Do you notice cracking, peeling, warping, or even missing shingles? If that is the case, now is the time to consider a roof replacement.

But not any roofing material will do. A roof replacement is a big investment, and you want to feel confident that you are choosing a dependable product that will stand the test of time and be able to handle inclement weather. This is where GAF roofing comes in.


GAF is an industry-leading roofing manufacturer that is celebrated for crafting asphalt roof shingles that are exceptionally strong and able to handle pelting rain, piling snow, and continuous exposure to harsh UV rays. These shingles are also resistant to unsightly algae growth and can withstand the force of strong winds.


In addition to its unrivaled performance, GAF roofing is also available in a bevy of attractive profiles and high-definition colors. No matter the look you wish to attain, whether it be rustic, traditional, or modern, there is no denying that you’ll be able to find shingles that will match the architecture of your home and your preferred aesthetic.

Go with the GAF Roofing Experts

If you are interested in having GAF roofing installed on your home, turn to the professionals at O’Leary Roofing. Since 1984, our skilled and experienced team has proudly installed GAF roofing systems with flawless workmanship. What’s more, we also maintain the status of a GAF Master Elite® contractor—a title earned by less than 2% of roofers nationwide. And for your peace of mind, our GAF roofing projects are backed with strong warranties, so you can rest assured that your investment is in good hands.

To learn more about the GAF Roofing we install, contact us today. We look forward to working with you and answering any questions you may have.

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